A handy vest-pocket sized edition of the classic Indian scripture.Our translation of the Bhagavad Gita uses the beauty of verse to express the highest truths of Vedanta. Includes an introduction to the Gita, and a study of the cosmology of the Gita.How Swami Prabhavananda’s translation came about in the Swami’s own words:Once I was away for a rest in Palm Springs I had a Gita translation with me. When I read the twelfth chapter, I felt that the meaning had not been brought out; I saw deeper meaning in it. So I started to translate, and then Chris helped me…I translated and Chris edited. When Peggy Kiskadden came, she read what we had done and could not understand it. Then we went to Aldous. Chris read aloud, and Aldous listened. Aldous said, No, that is not right yet. Forget that Krishna is speaking to the Hindus in Sanskrit. Forget that this is a translation. Think that Krishna is speaking to an American audience in English… Then Aldous told Chris which style to use for verse. Chris rewrote the whole eleventh chapter of the Gita following Tennyson, I think. He produced the book in a week He was inspired.This pocket edition of the Gita measures 4.5” by 3.5”. It lacks the footnotes of the larger editions and also the four page essay entitled The Gita and War. Otherwise, it is complete.
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