My Life and My Mission


Delivered by Swami Vivekananda at the turn of the century in Pasadena, California, this lecture presents a vivid picture of Swami Vivekananda’s great compassion for the suffering millions of India, and also his plan for it’s spiritual regeneration. In addition, according to the publisher, “This was the only occasion when he talked before the public so poignantly about himself, his inner struggle, and sorrow.” A must for all those who want to feel the charm and force of Swamiji’s thoughts.

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Delivered by Swami Vivekananda at the turn of the century in Pasadena, California, this lecture presents a vivid picture of Swami Vivekananda’s great compassion for the suffering millions of India, and also his plan for it’s spiritual regeneration. In addition, according to the publisher, “This was the only occasion when he talked before the public so poignantly about himself, his inner struggle, and sorrow.” A must for all those who want to feel the charm and force of Swamiji’s thoughts.

Additional information

Weight 0.066139 lbs

Swami Vivekananda



Cover Type

Paper Back






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