Women of India


This compact book is a bouquet of lectures and interviews given by Swami Vivekananda to Americans in the USA in 1894 and 1900. The theme of these talks were broadly on the position of women in India and their stature and glory. The three interviews deal with their past, present and future, their education and marriage. The book puts down the principles prescribed by Swamiji to alleviate the problems and dilemmas on women’s issues in India. The six profiles at the end the book exemplify the ideals of womanhood.

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This compact book is a bouquet of lectures and interviews given by Swami Vivekananda to Americans in the USA in 1894 and 1900. The theme of these talks were broadly on the position of women in India and their stature and glory. The three interviews deal with their past, present and future, their education and marriage. The book puts down the principles prescribed by Swamiji to alleviate the problems and dilemmas on women’s issues in India. The six profiles at the end the book exemplify the ideals of womanhood.

Additional information

Weight 0.17637 lbs

Swami Vivekananda

Cover Type

Paper Back






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