Founded in 1939
2455 Bowditch Street, Berkeley, CA 94704; 510-848-8862
San Jose House, 1376 Mariposa Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126; 408-493-0665
Email: ; Website:

April 2020
People of different faiths, as well as those who have no particular belief, can benefit from the lectures. Vedanta is impersonal and rational; it is not a particular creed but includes all creeds and affirms that they are different expressions of One Truth.
Lectures are delivered by Swami Prasannatmananda at the sanctuary of the Vedanta Society Berkeley every Sunday at 11:00 am.

April 05 :  Spiritual Solution
April  12 :  Philosophy of Yajna (sacrifice)
April  19 : Different types of Liberation
April  26 : Integration of Self

At the sanctuary of the Vedanta Society Berkeley every Thursday at 8:00 pm. Srimad Bhagavad Gita classes are conducted by Swami Prasannatmananda
April 02:  Srimad Bhagavad Gita
April 09:  Srimad Bhagavad Gita
April  16:  Srimad Bhagavad Gita
April  23:  Srimad Bhagavad Gita
April  30:  Srimad Bhagavad Gita


Classes and 'Yogadharana' guided group meditation sessions are conducted by Swami Prasannatmananda at San Jose House every Sunday and every Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Classes on every Sunday evening are held after a short vesper service, arati, and meditation. Ramanama Sankirtanam is held on the first Sunday of every month at 6:30 pm.

April  05  : Ramanam Sankirtanam & Inspired Talks
April  12   :  Inspired Talks
April   19  :  Inspired Talks
April   26  : Inspired Talks
Vedanta Society Berkeley maintains libraries both in   Berkeley Center and San Jose House. Books on Vedanta Philosophy,   Religion, and Other Philosophical Systems and Religious      Traditions of the world are available for the members to borrow. 
Books on Vedanta and Indian Religious literature are sold at the bookstore in the foyer of the Berkeley Center after Sunday and Thursday lectures. And at San Jose House before and after the Wednesday ‘Yogadharana’  and  Sunday evening lectures.
Prayer & Meditation

Those who like to spend some time in prayer, meditation, and to attend vesper service are welcome to do so at the   sanctuary of Berkeley center from 6:30 to 8:00 pm every evening except Sunday and Wednesday; and

at San Jose House every Wednesday and Sunday at 7:30 pm and 6:30 pm   respectively.

Interview and Practical Instructions

Swami Prasannatmananda is glad to confer with those who are interested in knowing more about Vedanta or with those who want to discuss their spiritual interests with him. The Swami requests that appointments  be made after lectures or classes or over the telephone 510-848-8862.
Above are the photographs from the worship of Sri Ramakrishna held at San Jose House
on Sunday, March 08, 2020.
Above are the photographs from the worship of Sri Ramakrishna held at Vedanta Society Berkeley
on Sunday, March 01, 2020.
                 185th Birth Anniversary Celebration of Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva
Swami Prasannatmananda, the Swami-in-charge, Vedanta Society Berkeley, performed a Special Worship at the sanctuary of the Society on the occasion of 185th Birth Anniversary of Sri Sri Ramakrishna on Sunday, March 1, 2020, at 3:00 pm.  Swami Prapanananda, Minister in- charge of Vedanta Society of Sacramento, Swami Ishadyanananda, Assistant Minister of Vedanta Society of Sacramento, and Swami Vedananda, Assistant Minister, of Vedanta Society of Northern California, attended the celebration and chanted relevant hymns. Sumita Chakravorty, a distinguished singer of Bay Area sang devotional songs on Sri Ramakrishna during the worship.  Eighty-five devotees including volunteers participated in the event and offered flowers. Khichudi prasad was distributed to all the devotees.
185th Birth Anniversary of Sri Ramakrishna was also celebrated at the San Jose House of the Vedanta Society Berkeley on Sunday, March 8, 2020, at 6:30 pm. Swami Prasannatmananda performed the worship and delivered a short talk on Sri Ramakrishna. Devotees offered songs during the worship. 50 devotees participated in the celebration, offered flowers, and enjoyed cooked prasad.

Swami Vivekananda:
Always Alive
Freedom can never be true of name and form; it is the clay out of which we (the pots) are made; that freedom can never be true of the related. One pot can never say "I am free" as a pot; only as it loses all ideas of form does it become free. ...In the universal melody three ideas stand out -- freedom, strength, and sameness. If your freedom hurts others, you are not free there. You must not hurt others. "To be weak is to be miserable", says Milton. Doing and suffering are inseparably joined. (Often, too, the man who laughs most is one who suffers most.) "To work you have the right, not to the fruits thereof".
[Excerpt from ‘Inspired Talks’ taken from Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Jan. 1989, Vol. VII pg.19-20]

Vedanta Society Berkeley
2455 Bowditch Street, Berkeley, CA 94704; 510-848-8862
San Jose House, 1376 Mariposa Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126; 408-493-0665;