2455 Bowditch Street, Berkeley, CA 94704; 510-848-8862
San Jose House, 1376 Mariposa Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126; 408-493-0665
Email: society@vedantaberkeley.org ; Website: www.vedantaberkeley.org

Winter Recess:   Winter recess starts from Friday, Dec.25, 2020, at the Vedanta Society Berkeley and San Jose House. The lectures and classes will resume virtually on Sunday, January 17, 2020. Holy Mother Sarada Devi's 168th Birth Anniversary will be celebrated at the sanctuary of Berkeley on Sunday, January, 10, 2021, at 3:00 pm. PST. All are welcome to watch on our website.
Both the Berkeley center and San Jose House will remain closed for congregation due to COVID-19 until further announcement.            

People of different faiths, as well as those who have no particular belief, can benefit from the lectures. Vedanta is impersonal and rational; it is not a particular creed but includes all creeds, and affirms that they are different expressions of One Truth.
Lectures are delivered through Live Streaming by Swami Prasannatmananda at the sanctuary of the Vedanta Society Berkeley every Sunday at 11:00 am PST.
Dec.06: Sri Krishna in
                    Bhagavad Gita

Dec. 13: Spiritual Unfoldment
Dec. 20: Son of Man came not
       not to be served but to serve

Evening Classes are given through Zoom by Swami Prasannatmananda at the Vedanta Society Berkeley every Thursday at 8:00 pm PST.              
Dec. 03 : Swami Vivekananda's
      Impact on the United States

Dec. 10 :        -- do --
Dec. 17 :        --  do --

Dec.24  :  Christmas Eve and
              New Year's Eve Event
         at 7:00 pm PST  (virtual)
 A Thank you noteWe deeply appreciate the financial support from  the kindhearted well-wishers and friends of Vedanta society Berkeley, especially during this unprecedented situation. Your continued support is pivotal for the maintenance and growth of the Vedanta Society Berkeley, thus connecting us together into a larger spiritual family.       

Interview and Practical Instructions

Swami Prasannatmananda is glad to confer with those who are interested in knowing more about Vedanta or who want to discuss their spiritual interests. The Swami requests that questions be asked online by clicking 'Ask Swami' on our website or over  the telephone 510-848-8862.
Online Bookstore:
Our online bookstore is continuing to serve the book enthusiasts as in-person activities are interrupted at Berkeley center and San Jose House due to the unprecedented pandemic. Order of books, artifacts, and incense sticks can be placed HERE.

Thanksgiving Day Special Retreat 2020
Every year, Swami Prasannatmananda, Swami-In-Charge of Vedanta Society Berkeley, conducts a special event with worship, dinner, and Bhagavad Gita chanting in San Jose House of Vedanta Society Berkeley on Thanksgiving Day.  This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, a virtual Thanksgiving Day Spiritual Retreat 2020 was conducted on Thursday Nov. 26 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, titled "Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga as taught by Sri Krishna". Fifty participants from diverse backgrounds registered and took part in the retreat.  The role of karma and karma yoga as the means for getting out of bondage was explained.  Sri Krishna's expanded concept of yajna, secular work classified as karma yoga, and equating selfless work with renunciation were highlighted. President Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation was read at the retreat to celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving. There were two Q & A sessions. Many expressed very positive feedback on the retreat.  
    Swami Vivekananda: Always Alive
'Krishna did everything but without any attachment; he was in the world, but not of it. "Do all work but without attachment; work for work's sake, never for yourself". Freedom can never be true of name and form; it is the clay out of which we (the pots) are made; then it is limited and not free so that freedom can never be true of the related. One-pot can never say "I am free" as a pot; only as it loses all ideas of form does it become free'.
[Excerpt from ‘Inspired Talks’ taken from Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Jan. 1989, Vol. VII pg.19-20]

Vedanta Society Berkeley
2455 Bowditch Street, 
Berkeley, CA 94704; 510-848-8862
San Jose House, 1376 Mariposa Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126; 408-493-0665; society@vedantaberkeley.org