October 2020
People of different faiths, as well as those who have no particular belief, can benefit from the lectures. Vedanta is impersonal and rational; it is not a particular creed but includes all creeds, and affirms that they are different expressions of One Truth.
Please note that all lectures will be broadcasted online by Live Streaming for Sunday morning lectures and by Zoom for Thursday evening classes. Berkeley and San Jose premises will remain closed due to the pandemic until further announcement.
Sunday Morning lectures

Lectures are delivered through Live Streaming by Swami Prasannatmananda at the Sanctuary of the Vedanta Society Berkeley every Sunday at 11:00 am. PST.
October 04: Swami Vivekananda
                            and Existentialism
October  11: God, Our Eternal Mother
October 18: Laws of Worship
October 25: Worship of Mother
           Durga at 3:00 pm PST  (watch online)

Thursday Evening Classes
Evening Classes on 'Swami Vivekananda's Impact on the United States' is delivered through Zoom by Swami Prasannatmananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley every Thursday at 8:00 pm. PST.
October 01:
Swami Vivekananda's
                    Impact on the United States

October 08: Swami Vivekananda's
                   Impact on the United States

October 15: Swami Vivekananda's
                     Impact on the United States

October 22: Swami Vivekananda's
                    Impact on the United States

October 29: Swami Vivekananda's
                     Impact on the United States
Joining the class over phone
Meeting ID: 952 1894 2615
+16699006833,,95218942615# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,95218942615# US (Houston)
Watch Sunday Lectures
Watch Thursday Class
 A Thank You Note:
We deeply appreciate the financial support from the kindhearted well-wishers and friends of Vedanta Society Berkeley, especially during this unprecedented situation. Your continued support is pivotal for the maintenance and growth of the Vedanta Society Berkeley, thus connecting us together into a larger spiritual family.
Interview and Practical Instruction:  
Swami Prasannatmananda is glad to confer with those who are interested in knowing more about Vedanta or who want to discuss their spiritual interest. As all in-person activities are suspended due to the pandemic, the Swami requests that questions be asked online by clicking 
'Ask Swami' on our website.

Online Bookstore
Our online bookstore is continuing to serve the book enthusiasts as in-person activities are interrupted at Berkeley center and San Jose House due to the unprecedented pandemic. Orders for books, artifacts, and incense sticks can be placed
Swami Vivekananda: Always Alive
"Every new religious wave requires a new center. The old religion can only be revivified by a new center. Hang your dogmas or doctrines, they never pay. It is a character, a life, a center, a God-man that must lead the way, that must be the center around which all other elements will gather themselves and then fall like tidal wave upon the society, carrying all before it, washing away all impurities".

Vivekananda. (2006). Swami Vivekananda on himself. Kolkata: Advaita Ashrama, pg. 46]
Copyright © 2018, VEDANTA SOCIETY BERKELEY, All rights reserved.

Our email address:

Update your preferences or Unsubscribe from this list.

BERKELEY: 2455 Bowditch Street, Berkeley, CA 94704;  Ph: 510-848-8862
  San Jose: 1376 Mariposa Ave., San Jose, CA 95126;  Ph: 408-493-0665