September 2020
Summer Recess: Summer recess will continue at both Berkley center and San Jose House till Saturday, September 26, 2020. Virtual lectures by Live Streaming will resume on Sunday, September 27, 2020, at 11:00 am from Berkeley center only.  In-person lectures, classes, meditation, vesper services, Yogadharana, etc. will remain closed in both Berkeley center and San Jose House until further notice.  Please stay tuned. 
 Swami Vivekananda's Impact on the United States
Swami Vivekananda became an overnight hero after his historical appearance in the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 which is now etched in the American history. During his second visit to the U.S. in 1900, he made nearly a three months trip to the Bay Area. Did Swami Vivekananda, a humanitarian, a spiritual giant, a disciple of prophet and seer of God Sri Ramakrishna, create any impact on the mind of American people during his second trip?  What are the ramifications of his work here?
Swami Prasannatmananda, Swami-In-Charge of the Vedanta Society Berkeley, will deliver a virtual lecture series over Zoom,  on  'Swami Vivekananda's Impact on the United States',  every Thursday from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm PST starting from September 10, 2020.   All the devotees, friends, and acquaintances are invited to this event.
  Zoom Link
Meeting ID : 952 1894 2615;   Phone #  +16699006833,, 95218942615 ;   +13462487799,, 95218942615 

People of different faiths, as well as those who have no particular belief, can benefit from the lectures. Vedanta is impersonal and rational; it is not a particular creed but includes all creeds and affirms that they are different expressions of One Truth.
Post-summer recess regular Sunday lectures will resume from Sunday, September 27, 2020, at 11:00 am at the sanctuary of the Vedanta Society Berkeley. Please note that these lectures will be broadcasted by Live Streaming on the Home page of our website . You can watch it by clicking the tab below.
September 27: Spiritual Maturity
A Thank You note: We deeply appreciate the financial support from the kindhearted well-wishers and friends of Vedanta Society Berkeley, especially during this unprecedented situation. Your continued support is pivotal for the maintenance and growth of the Vedanta Society Berkeley, thus connecting us together into a larger spiritual family.  
Interview and Practical Instructions
Swami Prasannatmananda is glad to confer with those who are interested in knowing more about Vedanta or with those who want to discuss their spiritual interests. As all in-person activities are suspended due to pandemic, the Swami requests that questions be asked online by clicking 'Ask Swami'. 
Online bookstore: As in-person activities are interrupted at Berkeley center and San Jose House due to the unprecedented pandemic, our online bookstore is continuing to serve the book enthusiasts. Orders for books, artifacts, and incense sticks can be placed HERE
During the virtual retreat entitled 'Developing a Spiritual Attitude' on August 22 and 23, 2020, Swami Prasannatmananda offered an important message on how to live a spiritual life.  A keen group of 38-40 participants enjoyed the retreat.
Some feedback are:
o   “The topics were very inspiring and expounded very clearly.”
o   “It was a wonderful 2 days immersed in Spiritual thoughts.”
o   “Got some practical ideas on how to intensify faith and sadhana.”
 For more information you can watch the Zoom recording of the retreat, please click here:
Swami Vivekananda: Always Alive
"There is one thing called love, and there is another thing called union. And union is greater than love.
I do not love religion. I have become identified with it. It is my life. So no man loves that thing in which his life has been spent, in which he really has accomplished something. That which we love is not yet ourselves. . . This is the difference between Bhakti and Jnana; and this is why Jnana is greater than Bhakti".

Swami Vivekananda on Himself, Ridgely Manor, October 1899]

Vedanta Society Berkeley
Berkeley: 2455 Bowditch Street, CA 94704; Berkeley, CA 94704; 510-848-8862
San Jose: 1376 Mariposa Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126; 408-493-0665 ||