Some Inspiring Illustrations of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother & Swamiji and Their Love


If, as the Upanishads declare, Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, is of the nature of Pure Bliss, then Pure Bliss reveals itself through Pure or Selfless Love. Realized souls can therefore love others selflessly. Their lives of love and compassion convince us that selfless love is not simply an imagination of the fanciful mind, but an earthly reality. The present book illustrates this truth through stories and examples of the manifestation of this selfless love and compassion in the lives of of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda.

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If, as the Upanishads declare, Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, is of the nature of Pure Bliss, then Pure Bliss reveals itself through Pure or Selfless Love. Realized souls can therefore love others selflessly. Their lives of love and compassion convince us that selfless love is not simply an imagination of the fanciful mind, but an earthly reality. The present book illustrates this truth through stories and examples of the manifestation of this selfless love and compassion in the lives of of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda.

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Weight 0.507063 lbs

Swami Tathagatananda



Cover Type

Paper Back






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