Showing 1–16 of 20 results
A Call to the Eternal
$9.00 Add to cartA Call to the Eternal
This book deals with the broad sweep of the modern age and the vital role that India must play both spiritual and practical in this age if she is to attain her full potential. A consummation from which the world will necessarily benefit. Originally these articles were published as editorials in the monthly journal Prabuddha Bharata in the later half of the 1920s and had created a stir in the India’s intellectual nationalist and religious circles being extremely thoughtful and deeply inspiring.
$9.00 -
Dharma Prasange Swami Brahmananda
$3.50 Add to cartDharma Prasange Swami Brahmananda
This book contains the teachings of Swami Brahmananda, who was considered by Sri Ramakrishna to be his spiritual son. He was the first President of the Ramakrishna Order and beacon-light of inspiration to all during the infancy of the Ramakrishna Movement. His life and teachings continue to inspire earnest people to new heights of spirituality.
$3.50 -
Eternal Companion
$1.00 Add to cartEternal Companion
Follow some spiritual discipline for at least three years, and then, if you find you have made no tangible progress, you may come back and slap my face. With these startling words, Swami Brahmananda urges us to seriously practice spiritual living. The swami's words come from many years associating with Sri Ramakrishna, the great saint of India. We find here a treasure house of direction and inspiration.
$1.00 -
Flashes from Swami Ramakrishnananda
$1.00 Add to cartFlashes from Swami Ramakrishnananda
This small booklet contains some of the selected teachings of Swami Ramakrishnananda.
$1.00 -
For Seekers of God: Spiritual Talks of Mahapurush Swami Shivananda
$9.00 Add to cartFor Seekers of God: Spiritual Talks of Mahapurush Swami Shivananda
A spiritually illumined soul who has scaled the depths of the Divine is a constant source of inspiration to countless other seekers. Swami Shivananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, was such a person whose simple conversations with spiritual seekers were treasured by them as unfailing blessings for the rest of their life. This book has brought together such spiritually illuminating and inspiring conversations for the good of many.
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Glimpses of a Great Soul: A Portrait of Swami Saradananda
$11.50 Add to cartGlimpses of a Great Soul: A Portrait of Swami Saradananda
Being a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Ramakrishnananda popularly known as Shashi Maharaj worked tirelessly to spread the message of Sri Ramakrishna and the ideal of renunciation and service in different parts of South India. His unparallel devotion to Sri Ramakrishna, pure life, saintly personality and love and concern for others are objects of meditation. These three volumes contain the collection of lectures, writings, and letters of Swami Ramakrishnananda.
$11.50 -
How a Shepherd Boy Became a Saint: Life and Teachings of Swami Abhutananda
$1.00 Add to cartHow a Shepherd Boy Became a Saint: Life and Teachings of Swami Abhutananda
Swami Adbhutananda was the only unlettered monastic disciple of Ramakrishna. This is the story of his transformation from the orphan boy Latu into a sage, whose profound simplicity inspired Easterners and Westerners alike. Latu is Ramakrishna s greatest miracle. Having absolutely no education, he attained the highest wisdom simply by the grace of the Master s touch. – Swami Vivekananda
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Japa and Dhyana in a Nutshell
$1.00 Add to cartJapa and Dhyana in a Nutshell
Sri Ramakrishna’s 175th Birth Anniversary Publications Guidelines on spiritual practices such as mediation, repetition of God’s name, worship and love for God-by Swami Brahmananda, the spiritual son of Sri Ramakrishna.
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Mahendra Nath Gupta (M.)
$32.00 Add to cart -
Nag Mahasaya
$1.00 Add to cart -
Reminiscences of Swami Brahmananda: The Mind-Born Son of Sri Ramakrishna
$9.00 Add to cartReminiscences of Swami Brahmananda: The Mind-Born Son of Sri Ramakrishna
These reminiscences, translated and explained by Swami Bhaskaranda from the original Bengali book, Brahmananda Leelakatha, by Brahmachari Akshayachaitanya, reveal many wonderful ways in which Swami Brahmananda touched the hearts of those fortunate enough to have met him. The Swami’s multifaceted personality, along with his deep insights into life and human nature, establish these reminiscences as a true spiritual treasury. Includes a short biography, photos and illustrations, glossary and more.
$9.00 -
Shyamasundari Devi: Mother of Sri Sarada Devi
$2.00 Add to cart -
Sw. Adbhutananda As We Saw Him
$17.50 Add to cartSw. Adbhutananda As We Saw Him
Reminiscences of Swami Adbhutananda (also known as Latu Maharaj), an unlettered, uneducated disciple of Ramakrishna who attained spiritual greatness and wisdom. Latu Maharaj was independant-minded, and chaffed at rules, yet totally devoted to Sri Ramakrishna and his teachings. He was austere by nature and completely focused on the spiritual path. The book is an amazing journey into the past that shows the lives of Ramakrishna and his disciples in first-person detail.
$17.50 -
Swami Ramakrishnananda – A Portrait in Picture
$21.00 Add to cart -
Swami Trigunatita: His Life and Work
$1.00 Add to cartSwami Trigunatita: His Life and Work
This wonderful book gives the readers a vivid picture of one of Sri Ramakrishna’s great disciples whose colourful and profoundly influential life has heretofore been little known. The author, besides describing the life of Swami Trigunatita in India gives a detailed account of his pioneering work in the West in nurturing the seeds of Vedanta Movement sown there by Swami Vivekananda. People living outside India can purchase this book from the Vedanta Society of Northern California, USA. Their website address is: http://www.sfvedanta.org/
$1.00 -
Swami Turiyananda: Life and Teachings
$5.50 Add to cartSwami Turiyananda: Life and Teachings
Swami Turiyananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, was a rare combination of extreme asceticism, sympathy, devotional fervour, scholarship and modern outlook. This book, by Swami Ritajananda, contains incidents, conversation, and extracts from diaries of disciples on the life and teachings of the great Swami. A fine note on Swami Turiyananda in the midst of the peaceful Shanti Ashrama setting, published in the San Francisco Chronicle, is included in this volume as an appendix. This book will appeal to all spiritual seekers who will find the treasurable spiritual values embedded in the life and teachings of Turiyananda.