Showing 17–32 of 41 results
Katha Upanishad
$3.00 Add to cartKatha Upanishad
The scripture concerns the story of a young man who goes to the house of death to find out what happens after death.The reply describes the nature of reality and the meaning of life. This scripture is one of the most popular Upanishads.The book contains the Devanagri text with translation into English and a transliteration of the Devanagri text into Roman characters. Explanatory footnotes added when necessary.We especially recommend the Sw. Prabhavananda translation of this scripture as found in Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal. 087481040x
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$1.50 Add to cart -
Mahanarayana Upanishad
$10.00 Add to cartMahanarayana Upanishad
Text in Sanskrit with simple Sanskrit interpretation, English translation, commentary, and word by word meaning of the text.
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Mandukya Upanishad
$2.00 Add to cart -
Narada Bhakti Sutras
$8.00 Add to cart -
Prasna Upanishad
$2.50 Add to cart -
Purusha-Suktam & Narayana-Suktam
$1.00 Add to cart -
Samkhya Karika of Isvara Krsna
$5.00 Add to cartSamkhya Karika of Isvara Krsna
This is a book on Samkhya philosophy, one of the important pillars of the six systems of Indian philosophy. While modern science is finding itself more and more in agreement Vedantic intuitive perceptions, it must be noted that Vedanta reaches its heights only from the solid foundation of Samkhya. Neither Vedanta nor modern science can be understood in all their nuances without a firm grasp of the Samkhyan tenets. The work includes the Tattva Kaumudi of Sri Vacaspati Misra
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Saundarya Lahari of Sri Sankaracarya
$5.50 Add to cartSaundarya Lahari of Sri Sankaracarya
Saundaryalahari is one of the most popular Sanskrit poems in India and deals with Sakti worship. The first 41 verses are the source of various mantras and deal chiefly with Sri Chakra. The mantra of Tripurasundary is also dealt with. The 59 verses that follow give a description of the form of the Devi utilizing most of the forms of speech known to Sanskrit poetics. The subject matter of this book is highly technical and deal with matters that get little publicity. The mantras and ways of worship need to be learned by a competent student from a competent teacher who is a Sampradayavit. Sanskrit text with transliteration. The translation and notes are based on Lakshmidara’s commentary.
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Self-Knowledge: Atmabodha
$15.50 Add to cartSelf-Knowledge: Atmabodha
Self-Knowledge is a translation by Swami Nikhilananda of the sacred text, Atmabodha, composed by the 8th century philosopher and mystic of India, Sankara. Self-Knowledge sets forth the principles of Non-dualistic Vedanta: the divinity of the soul, the unity of existence, the oneness of the Godhead, and the harmony of religions. As Swami Nikhilananda writes in the preface, "The very name of the book – Self-Knowledge – suggests its perennial interest and universal value. Self-Knowledge is vital. All other forms of knowledge are of secondary importance; for a man's action, feeling, reasoning, and thinking are dependent upon his idea of the Self. His view of life will be either materialistic or spiritual according to his conception of himself. Therefore it behooves everyone to cultivate Self-Knowledge at all times. Self-Knowledge serves the practical purpose of destroying pain and suffering (which are always caused by ignorance of the Self) and also the positive end of helping everyone enjoy supreme peace and blessedness here and always." This 246 page book contains an introduction (114 pages) on the philosophy of Non-dualistic Vedanta and an appendix with 14 of Sankara's spiritual hymns recited by countless Hindus during their daily devotions.
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Sri Brahma-Samhita
$8.50 Add to cartSri Brahma-Samhita
Sri Brahma-Samhita translated by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Thakur, including his translation of Srila Jiva Gosvami’s commentary. Lord Brahma provides, in elegant verses, a succinct overview of Vaisnava philosophy including views of Siva, Ganesh, etc., and includes the original Sanskrit slokas.
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Srimad Bhagavad Gita With Text, Word for Word Translation English Rendering, Comments and Index
$13.50 Add to cartSrimad Bhagavad Gita With Text, Word for Word Translation English Rendering, Comments and Index
Among the great scriptures of hinduism, the bhagavad gita is the most pre-eminent, both from the profundity of its thought and the practicability of its discipline here one finds the fairest flowers of the vedas cleared of the weeds and underbrush of rituals, ceremonies, and myths
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Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Viresh…pocket edition
$5.00 Add to cartSrimad Bhagavad Gita, Viresh…pocket edition
A scholarly translation of the India’s most popular scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. Small pocket edition has Devanagri script with translation only.The author was president for many years of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission.
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Srimad Bhagavatam: The Wisdom of God
$6.50 Add to cartSrimad Bhagavatam: The Wisdom of God
The Srimad Bhagavatam is one of the most popular scriptures in India, and one of the most important, next to the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. This version focuses primarily on the teachings of Krishna, and the generally more interesting portions of the book. The translation’s aim is to be true to the spirit of the original Sanskrit and be easily readable.
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Srimad Ramayana
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