Sri Ramakrishna
Showing 17–32 of 60 results
Ramakrishna & Vivekananda (Nehru)
$1.00 Add to cart -
Ramakrishna and his Disciples
$14.50 Add to cartRamakrishna and his Disciples
In this book the author approaches Sri Ramakrishna with love and devotion and at the same time, deals with his subject in the scientific spirit of a Western investigator.
$14.50 -
Ramakrishna and His Message
$2.50 Add to cartRamakrishna and His Message
Swami Vivekananda was the foremost among the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, and what he said about his Master is therefore of great importance. Swami Vivekananda’s memories and reflections of his teacher are scattered throughout the nine volumes of The Complete Works (8175054115), but the need to present these thoughts in one concise source was strongly felt. Hence this compact, but valuable book.
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Ramakrishna and His Unique Message
$5.00 Add to cart -
$3.50 Add to cart -
This book contains hymns sung in the early morning while waking up the Deity in a temple. The first seven verses deal with certain incidents in Sri Ramakrishna’s life. Verses 8-10 deal with the eagerness of the devotees to have his darsan in the early morning. Verses 11 and 12 are dedicated to Sri Sarada Devi (the Holy Mother) and to Swami Vivekananda respectively. The hymn ends with a phalasruti.
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Ramakrishna: the Great Master
$24.00 Add to cart -
Ramakrishna’s Naren and Naren’s Ramakrishna
$3.00 Add to cartRamakrishna’s Naren and Naren’s Ramakrishna
The first meeting of Sri Ramakrishna and Narendranath Datta in 1981 was an auspicious event in the history of religion. It is hard to say when Naren actually accepted Sri Ramakrishna as his guru, but as far as the master was concerned, the spiritual relationship was established at this first meeting at Dakshineswar, when he had touched Naren, stirring him to his inner depths. From that moment he had implicit faith in the disciple and bore him a great love.. There is hardly anything more fascinating in religious annals than the coming together of Master and Disciple. The book explores the divine relationship that existed between Sri Ramakrishna and Narendranath Dutta, who, in the fullness of time, became Swami Vivekananda.. Translated from the Bengali, Ramakrishna’s Naren and Naren’s Ramakrishna was originally serialized in the January through June 1978 issues of Prabuddha Bharata.
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Sacred Wisdom of Sri Ramakrishna
$1.50 Add to cartSacred Wisdom of Sri Ramakrishna
The aim of this booklet is to present a collection of his inspiring sayings which one can carry around even while traveling to introduce one to Sri Ramakrishna’s timeless wisdom.
$1.50 -
Saratchandra Chakravarty
$1.00 Add to cart -
Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna
$11.50 Add to cartSayings of Sri Ramakrishna
The saying and parables of Sri Ramakrishna included in this volume speak for themselves as far as their spiritual value and philosophic depth are concerned. The stamp of genius they bear cannot escape the notice of even a casual reader. The sayings are culled from all the available sources, arranged by subject. An exhaustive collection. Includes full biography of Ramakrishna.
$11.50 -
See God with Open Eyes
$32.00 Add to cart -
Some Inspiring Illustrations of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother & Swamiji and Their Love
$7.00 Add to cartSome Inspiring Illustrations of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother & Swamiji and Their Love
If, as the Upanishads declare, Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, is of the nature of Pure Bliss, then Pure Bliss reveals itself through Pure or Selfless Love. Realized souls can therefore love others selflessly. Their lives of love and compassion convince us that selfless love is not simply an imagination of the fanciful mind, but an earthly reality. The present book illustrates this truth through stories and examples of the manifestation of this selfless love and compassion in the lives of of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda.
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Sri Rama to Sri Ramakrishna
$6.00 Add to cartSri Rama to Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Rama to Sri Ramakrishna is an eight-petalled lotus radiating the irresistible fragrance of the DIvine. It presents fascinating sketches of eight spiritual giants who blazed new trails to the Infinite. Sri Rama and Sri Krishna the Avataras, Buddha the Enlightener, Christ and Mohammed the Messengers and Kabir and Nanak the synthesisers are followed by Sri Ramakrishna of our own times who demonstrated by his life that all paths, sincerely followed, lead to the Ultimate.
$6.00 -
Sri Ramakrishna
$1.00 Add to cart -
Sri Ramakrishna And His Gospel – Volume 3
$21.00 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna And His Gospel – Volume 3
This work is based on the weekly discourses given by Swami Bhuteshananda on the Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita. During his illuminating discussions, the Swami consistently went to the heart of the Master’s words and uncovered the deeper meaning behind his utterances. With the Swami’s guidance given in this volume we are able to comprehend more easily Sri Ramakrishna’s sayings in the light of the ancient scriptures as well as modern thought.Also Available:Volume 1 – 8175052120Volume 2 – 8175052880