Sri Ramakrishna
Showing 33–48 of 60 results
Sri Ramakrishna and His Mission
$1.00 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna and His Mission
The following lecture was delivered by Sri Swami Ramakrishnananda 46 years ago during one of the birth-day anniversaries of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna celebrated at the Ice House* on the South Beach Road of the city of Madras. At that time the great Swami Vivekananda was in the West preaching the Gospel of his beloved Master.
Swami Ramakrishnananda has condensed in this short lecture many facts in connection with the life of his great Guru, Sri Ramakrishna. This is a reprint of the book published in 1910. We hope the public will be benefited by this short discourse.$1.00 -
Sri Ramakrishna as I Saw Him
$2.50 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna as I Saw Him
This book is the English translation of TaittiriyaUpanishad by Swami Sarvananda, who was a disciple of Swami Brahmananda and one of the vice-presidents of the Ramakrishna Order. It contains original mantras, transliteration, construed text (anvaya) with a literal word by word meaning and overall English translation, with useful notes. The book also contains a useful introductory note on the Upanishad.
$2.50 -
Sri Ramakrishna In Today’s Violent World
$5.00 Add to cart -
Sri Ramakrishna Life and Teachings
$8.00 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna Life and Teachings
Sri Ramakrishna’s life and teachings have left an indelible mark on the religious history of the world. His life was one of constant communion with the divine. It is necessary to study and interpret his exalted life to understand the significance of his profound spiritual experiences.This task has been scholarly yet lucidly done by the author Swami Tapasyananda, who was a renowned scholar-monk and one of the vice-presidents of Ramakrishna Order. He has presented in an original and striking way a biographical narrative of Sri Ramakrishna, interspersing it with detailed analysis of his deep spiritual states. The book, therefore, serves as an excellent interpretation of the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, for both devotees and scholars.
$8.00 -
Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Disciples
$1.00 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Disciples
Sri Ramakrishna specially prepared a band of disciples under the leadership of Narendranath (Swami Vivekananda) to give a practical shape to his teachings and spread them far and wide for the benefit of humanity. The Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission are the direct offshoots of this. Through Sarada Devi, his consort, he has exhibited to the world the possibility of raising conjugal life to the highest spiritual level and the nature of universal motherhood.
$1.00 -
Sri Ramakrishna: a Biography
$5.50 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna: a Biography
An excellent introduction to the life of Sri Ramakrishna. This is a separate printing of the preface as found in the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna ( 0-911206-01-9).
$5.50 -
Sri Ramakrishna: God of ALL
$4.50 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna: God of ALL
Six thought-provoking essays on Sri Ramakrishna, which will help the readers comprehend more deeply his sublime life and profound teachings.
$4.50 -
Sri Ramakrishna: Myriad Facets
$20.00 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna: Myriad Facets
Thirty-two articles revealing various aspects of Sri Ramakrishna’s extraordinary personality and the significance of his advent.
$20.00 -
Sri Ramakrishna: The Great Master, Vol. 2
$21.00 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna: The Great Master, Vol. 2
The biography of Sri Ramakrishna continues with Volume 2. This book consists of two parts: 1) As the Spiritual Teacher, 2) The Master in the Divine Mood and Narendranath. Part 2 also includes the horoscope of Ramakrishna and a biography of the author, Swami Saradananda.THIS BOOK IS NOW OUT OF PRINT. You can order the complete set now in one volume. Use the Amazon search engine to find 978-81-7823-483-0.
$21.00 -
Sri Ramakrishna: The Personification of Gods and Goddesses
$12.00 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna: The Personification of Gods and Goddesses
According to Sri Ramakrishna, There is only one Rama and He has a thousand names. To restate his words, There is only one Ramakrishna and He has a thousand names. In other words, Sri Ramakrishna is Sarva Deva Devi Swarupa, “the personification of all gods and goddesses.”. Swami Vivekananda has said: Sri Ramakrishna was the embodiment of infinite ideas… He is the embodiment of infinite spiritual ideas capable of development in infinite ways. Even if one can find a limit to the knowledge of Brahman, one cannot measure the unfathomable depths of the Master’s mind.. Based on this concept, this book is a detailed study and exposition of how both Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi embodied the essence of the gods and goddesses, as well as the great spiritual teachers of history. From Ganesha to the Ganges, and from Vishnupriya to The Virgin Mary, the book tells the fundamental truth that Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi are Sarva Deva Devi Swarupa, The Personification of all Gods and Goddesses.
$12.00 -
Sri Ramakrishna’s Life and Message in the Present Age: with the Author’s Reminiscences of Holy Mother and some Direct Disciples
$12.00 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna’s Life and Message in the Present Age: with the Author’s Reminiscences of Holy Mother and some Direct Disciples
The eternal spiritual truths verified by Sri Ramakrishna give meaning to life at all stages of development, for they point the way to the complete fulfillment which human beings are continually seeking.
$12.00 -
Sri Ramakrishna’s Thoughts on Man World and God
$5.50 Add to cartSri Ramakrishna’s Thoughts on Man World and God
There is an urgent need today to make an in-depth study of Sri Ramakrishna’s ideas, to discover his philosophy, and to present it in a systematic format. This book brings together Sri Ramakrishna’s ideas on the three metaphysical concepts- God, man, and universe-and allied matters. Present book is a set of essays originally published as editorials in the Vedanta Kesari in 1939. The material has been rearranged under suitable headings and subheadings are provided for easy reading. To the common reader, this book will be of immense value, for it brings together Sri Ramakrishna’s thought on a wide variety of subjects.
$5.50 -
Swami Brahmananda As We Saw Him
$36.50 Add to cart -
Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna
$7.00 Add to cartTales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna
Abstruse ideas in religion and philosophy are more appealing when expressed as stories and told as parables. This complete collection of stories shows the power of the Indian saint Ramakrishna and his ability to express powerful ideas in simple ways.
$7.00 -
$6.50 Add to cartTeachings of SRI RAMAKRISHNA
The phenomenon called Sri Ramakrishna was the other name for God-consciousness. Like bread soaked in sugar syrup he was one who was permeated out-and-out with God-consciousness. Obviously, it’s no wonder that his teachings should cover the entire gamut of spiritual and religious life. This book is a classified and comprehensive collection of his wonderful sayings and parables. Needless to say, this book will be vade mecum for all those who are religious minded and are engaged in spiritual practices eager to have communion with God.
$6.50 -
The Apostles of Ramakrishna
$8.00 Add to cartThe Apostles of Ramakrishna
The volume contains the life stories of sixteen disciples of Sri Ramakrishna along with some of their teachings and shows that each one of them was a gigantic spiritual personality — superb in character, unique in achievement, and an asset to humanity. When one considers this, one wonders how so many almost super-human characters could cluster together at one and the same time. Truly, Sri Ramakrishna, a great jeweller as he was, could collect so many jewels and leave them as a legacy to the world.